Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Have Made My List!

No, they are not list of gifts or things-to-buy.

One guess! If you get it right... well............... you got it right! How does that sound? o(=^ ++++ ^=)o

Okay, I shall wait no longer. Nobody will guess it right anyway.

So, the answer is **drumrolls**
*still rolling*
*keep rolling*
*go on*

I can already imagine some of you went **faints** when you read the answer HAHA
I'm such a nerd.
No but seriously, I've been having all these topics in my head but haven't really found the time to write about them. With that being said, I shall resume writing after the 24th of December!


p.s.: Something is wrong with my mix-tape. I'm not sure what. It only plays one song now when I have 34 others :"(

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Paper Cups

It's amazing how little things have that not-so-little ability to make one's day. On that one particular day, to me, that little thing was paper cups.

I used to be great at bowling, but I lost that Midas touch now that I play it much much much less than I used to. Consequently, whenever I go for bowling games, the perfectionist me will get all nervous for anticipating that not-so-good feeling when my less-than-100 score would evidently proves the fact that I suck at it now haha =D Usually I would just sit in nervousness, watching other players doing their strikes and spares. When my turn comes, I would get up reluctantly, putting a ton of pressure on myself with the expectation that I should AT LEAST do a spare. And when that don't happen, I'll go back to my seat with a face that's gloomier than before.

That night, however, I found myself a distraction

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Win-Win I like

I like board games. I really do. Even so, I don't play it often and I was reminded why the other night.

I am an idealistic person. I have my own view on about almost everything and I tend to envision things in the perfect, but unfortunately unrealistic, form. And when my idealism is disturbed, I become uneasy. That's exactly what happened the other night. One simple board game got my brain all worked up, reflecting on the idealism I hold.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Made a Promise...

... that I'll only post cheerful, upbeat and encouraging writings. And last night I was about thaaaaattt close to violating it. But then....

I decided to sleep it off and left my computer as is, with the blog page still in compose-mode.

When I wake up this morning and see the page as I walk pass by it, I no longer feel like writing about the things I was planning to write about just the night before.

Sleep is the best mood regulator for me. It works all the time =]


Friday, October 23, 2009

A Letter from God to Women

I came across this letter once. I was reminded of it again when I'm preparing something to share for a cell-group meeting. I looked it up and found it. Reading it again makes my heart all warm. I decided that it's too good not to be posted up on my blog to share it. This is good to keep to remind us of who we are. So here it is. I hope your heart is warmed by it as it did mine ♥ ♥ ♥

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being.
When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils.
But you woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate.

Monday, October 19, 2009


I wonder What do other people write to kick-start their blog?
a "Hello! my name is yada yada yada. I'm a yada yada yada" intro?
But I don't want to start that way. One, because I think it's boring. And two.. I think I better keep number two to myself.
Look! I just got my first paragraph written down already! I guess that's how I start mine =D

Moving on...
Since it's my first blog post, I guess listing down my "Firsts" would be a pretty fun thing to do. Well, at least I think so =D

Let's see.. What do I have?