For my birthday last December, a dear friend of mine gave me a copy of PostSecret: A Lifetime of Secrets, one of the books from the PostSecret series. I've known about this project for about 3 years now and have been meaning to get the books since I first laid eyes on the pages of the first PostSecret book, but I don't know why I didn't.
I have finished reading the book this morning and as I read through it, I took pictures of the ones that I like. I like them for various different reasons: some because I could relate to them, some because they voice my own, some for their encouragement, some for their honesty, etc.
I was actually planning to share them on my Twitter, but when I finished reading I ended up with tons of them. I'll flood everyone's Twitter page and it might get annoying to many. So here they are, on my blog.
I am currently working on some other blog post, but it will take some time to finish. So, not wanting to have a big gap in between posts, I think this makes a good intermezzo. Don't you think so? =)