Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On Tumblr and Writing (Mostly on Writing)

I made a Tumblr account last week, for a few possible reasons. I, myself, not sure which one comes first: the reasons and then the making of the account or the making and then the justifications later.

I am well aware that I might come off like a complete bubblehead who is not even aware of her own thoughts processing, but it's true. It happens a lot, too! And for that reason, I don't think I'll be able to stop writing even if I want to. Not that I think I write good, but more because writing to me has become a necessity. I need to write for the sake of my mental health.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Looking Beyond the Dark

They say that we should not be afraid of being thrown into the lowest pit of lives, because there is only one way to go from there, up!
Yes it's true. However, we have one question to ask, "How do we climb up?"
A climbing skill and know-how sure comes in handy, but even more so, we need hope and strength..
Seeing the way and actually going in its direction are two completely different things. One can see the way and still not go on it because of the lack of hope and strength.
I sure do pray that when we are surrounded by the darkness of the pit, we will not only be able to see the way, but also to find enough hope to not give up on ourselves and  enough strength to climb up. Even if the whole world has given up on us, life does not stop until the moment we decided that there is no more hope and let ourselves go.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Some People Feel the Rain. Others Just Get Wet"

As a little girl, I remember seeing my then teenager cousin who was born and is growing up in Hong Kong wearing a t-shirt with the face of a seemingly skinny man with a weird hairstyle printed on it. My cousin himself was just as skinny, if not skinnier, and was wearing the same hairstyle, which I will later find out is called "dreadlocks".

"This is Bob Marley." he told me in English with his Hong Kong accent, with obvious pride beaming from his face. I'm not quite sure where the beam came from nor why he would wear a t-shirt with a Bob Marley's face on it and wears the same dreadlocks. I could only come up with 3 possible reasons: