Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's All in the Master's Hands

I was posting a YouTube video on my Tumblr when one of my favorite movie lines kicked in and clicked.

The video I posted is a MysteryGuitarMan's titled "Bali Instruments".
Note: I will refer to MysteryGuitarMan as MGM from this point onwards for the sake of simplicity and convenience.

Two things I love about the video:
1. It's set in Bali (Indonesian pride woohoo!) and
2. MGM turns something traditional into something ..... fresh and unconventional (Pardon me for the lack of better and original expressions)

When I was watching the video, one of the earliest thought that runs through my head was: "Who said traditional music instruments, or any other traditional things for that matter, are outdated, irrelevant and aren't cool?"
And immediately after that thought, the movie line "It's all in the master's hands" dawns on me again.

I'm not quite sure how that line made its way to my favorites and how did I manage to imprint it into my memory when I can't even remember the title of the movie nor do I remember what the movie is about. But somehow, someway, that one line is stuck on me from the moment I heard it. It's the one line that I would play over in my head from time to time whenever there's any happening around me that would trigger my brain to take that line out of my memory box - happenings as random as watching an MGM video.

I remember the context in which the line was spoken only very vaguely. If I remember it right, I think someone was talking about an old piano and how it won't sound as good as the new ones. And then someone else from the movie would say "It's all in the master's hands" - Meaning: if the holder of the instrument can work it, the instrument will still be able to produce beautiful sound. It's the skills and abilities of the instrument holder that matters.

Today, that line "clicked" in a way it has never did before. Following closely after the thought of that line was: "Wait a minute... That's just like me and God!".
You see, we are the instruments and He is The Master. It doesn't matter if we are old and irrelevant, it doesn't matter if we are broken and it certainly doesn't matter if the world deems us as being useless and incapable of doing any good works. The truth is, it's all in The Master's hands. He has hands that are capable of doing anything anyone could ever think of and more! Much more!

Certainly, The Creator who fillled the intitially dark and empty universe with the many galaxies and paint the skies of each with beautiful awesome wonderful things, who chose the color blue for day skies and accessorize the night's with sparkles of light, who paint everything in colors that are pleasant to the eyes and made the rainbow as a mark of His promise, is more than able to produce beautiful sounds from a piece of old and/or broken instrument, don't you think?

There's nothing too old and too broken for Him to work with. There's certainly no such thing as "too late" because time is in His hands. He could redeem lost times if He wants to. Dried up bones could not stop God from bringing them back to life. Crucification and 3 days doesn't stop Him at death. Indeed, we are in good hands =)

Ezekiel 37
11: Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.
12: Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13: And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,
14: And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

p.s: The post might have gotten a little, just a little, off-course from the video. It happens quite often that when I see something, my mind would lead me into thinking about things, that may or may not be relevant. Maybe, there's a YouTube video out there that is more relevant, but, it's MGM's that lead me to this post =)

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